Monday, March 7, 2011

The Bukana Pub

I don't know Grenoble very well. Most of the time, when I'm going out, I do this with some friends during the weekend, so in my hometown of St Vallier (somewhere at the north of the Drôme). but, few months ago, I was at a little party, at Charlotte's student rooem. She's one of my classmates and friend. We were four people there, and, around 10p.m., we were searching aout somewhere to go... sommething to do...

After a short time, Mylène, another friend who often go out and who weel-known Grenoble, suggested us to go to the Bukana Pub, near the quay. We said "why not ?" and after the girls make them up a second time, we went out and met up Aurélie, Mylène's flatmate. Then we finally arrived at the Bukana Pub.

I really appreciated this place. it's rather little but it has some personality. It's very friendly, and on Thrusday night, it's salsa party, so we can har another kind of music than in nightclubs for example (and if you are affraid about salsa dance, reassure yourself, there are two teachers who can help you). Enter is free, and if I good remember the cocktails are free for women before midnight (And I suggest you the "exotic cocktail"... it's the best of all !!!). the Bukana Pub is a friendly place because there are a lot of strangers students there too. Someties it's fun to have other relations with theses people we just cross in the university's corridors.

So, I think between the few places I know in Grenoble, this one is the most original and the friendliest. I hope this little (true) story has convince you, and who knows... maybe, in a near futur, I'll see some of you there !!! =)


  1. Hello! I think your article is very good because I don't know this pub!! Do you know if there are other evening themes during the week?? because I love the dance so I can be interessed by this pub!!!
    Thanks a lot

  2. I don't know, every times I went there were Thusday... You see, We have no class Friday, so most of the time, I go out with my friend at Tuesday night !! Maybe there is others themes during the week, but I can't promise you !!

    Thanks for your comment Amel =)
    I hope you'll find answer to your question ! Who knows ? Maybe someone who know the Bukana very weel will comment my article soon !
