Monday, February 28, 2011

Never Give Up... Some things about Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking is probably one of the most perfect examples of people who have a handicap and who are able to do great things… who never give up !
Hawking born in 1942 and he is a searcher in theoretical physics. He is principally studying the Big Bang Theory (the question about the origins of the universe) and the black holes.
Early in his life, Stephen Hawking was affected by an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (I think, this is the good name, I just now it in French : " Sclérose latérale amyotrophique"), a cerebral disease who lead to paralysis and, the most of the time, to death.
It make approximately forty years that Hawking is paralyzed from head to feet. He lives in a wheelchair and use a vocal synthesizer (I don't know what is the technical name) which allow him to move and speak.
In spite of this affliction, Hawking has become one of the most brilliant physicians of the world, one of the most intelligent people and a respected teacher of cosmology and physics at Cambridge University.
His also a lover of science fiction (not really surprising, yeah) : he is a big fan of Star Trek, moreover he plays his own role in an episode of the series Star Trek : The next Generation.
Stephen Hawking is today aged 69 and stays one of the most important scientists from our time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hi everybody !

If you're reading these words (no, it don't necessary mean that I'm dead !), I guess you are one of the students who take a course of English with Carmenne Kalyaniwala.

So, to indroduce myself, I think the best way to do is to introduce my "student's Id.".

First of all, my name is Alexandre (or Alexander in english) and I'm a student en Stendhal University, probably like you. I'm at second grade of literature studies. For those who aren't in the same english course than me, I take it on tuesday morning, between 8.30 and 10.30 am.

I also have cinemtographic studies for the last year. It's very interesting. For example, last year, we studied "history of cinema" and we also did analyse of several films (technical analyse mainly). These year, we continue to study some famous directors, like Jean-Luc Godard, Andreï Tarkovsky or Jean Rouch, and we have to write a story and then, to direct it ! It will be very exciting !

Well, I think the most important is here... If you want to know something else about me or about my studies, just ask, I'll answer as soon as possible :)

Enjoy on this blog !!
And see you soon, in live, or virtually !
