Monday, March 28, 2011

Drawing upon humor for a change

a.    What according to you is the central idea of the speech ?
b.     Do you agree with it ?
c.     Would you agree with Donnelly when she says that the sense of humor changes according to one's culture ?

a.   For me, the central idea of the speech is that, according to Liza Donnelly, women live in a world
where they are powerless and weak, governed by socials' conventions, and that this conventions can be broken by sense of humor.

b.   I think it depends on the different societies. I mean… there are countries where the "rules" are more oppressive and countries where this "rules" are disappearing with time. I think women are generally governed by some ancestral "way of being good" but, for example, in France, the old archetype of women that our grand-parents (or before) knew is actually over. Even if there are always rules, I think they're reduced by the time.

c.   Of course I agree with her. Sense of humor depends on cultures. For example… the animated serie "South Park" is laughing at everything (or most) and also says "Either we can laugh at everything, or we can laugh at nothing". But some cultures doesn't like it's humor. Moslems, Christians or scientologist, for example, tried to make some episodes censured. I think this is a reality we can use every time. We all have something that don't make us laugh. Sense of humor depends on the environment, the education, the character of people or societies. If humor is going out of this "characters", it becomes shocking. In spite of this, I think we can laugh at everything. Laugh is well, it doesn't have to be agreed !

Monday, March 21, 2011

Love Charm

Love-charm is something very widespread in society and from a long long time, but especially for the last ten/fifteen years I think. Now, you're seeing ad for some "magical method" to find love everywhere… on your cellular, on the web… Really, who hasn't already received an email with some questions and instructions you have to follow to attain your love ? And if you don't send this email to all your friends, your love will hate you of something like that ?

In this video (School Days, 1st part), the charm in question is linked to cellular. Here, you have to put a picture of the one you love on your cellphone during 3 weeks. If no one sees it during all this time, your "darling" falls in love for you. I found this belief pretty cute… you have to hide your love, like a shy person (okay, when you are using a charm to find love, you're obligatory shy !) as you're keeping it in your secret garden, it's really moving.

I don't believe in love-charms and I never did one, but it remembers me my childhood. When we were child, it was really simpler. I remember that love was something magical. In nursery school or primary school, if you love someone, you say it to the person and it's okay (most of the time). You go hand in hand with her (/him), have some kisses, and promise an eternal love to each other !

In real life, it's less magical than in childhood. As you grow up, you know a kind of disillusion, love is not so simple, not so sweet, not every time mutual… When you're a teenager, love is more like jungle : an world with no-mercy and many dangers !! Lot of people have some difficulties to accept themselves and the others aren't very helpful. At this time, popularity is very important, flirting is a question that must be addressed… I think that, most of the time, at high school, love is secondary.

After this "dark period" love becomes less cruel but is ever complicated… It has to be conciliated with all the rest of our life, studies, job, real life…

I think that beliefs we have in childhood are put by our parents and by adults to "keep" children's innocence, and let them dream about love as a magical thing =)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Bukana Pub

I don't know Grenoble very well. Most of the time, when I'm going out, I do this with some friends during the weekend, so in my hometown of St Vallier (somewhere at the north of the Drôme). but, few months ago, I was at a little party, at Charlotte's student rooem. She's one of my classmates and friend. We were four people there, and, around 10p.m., we were searching aout somewhere to go... sommething to do...

After a short time, Mylène, another friend who often go out and who weel-known Grenoble, suggested us to go to the Bukana Pub, near the quay. We said "why not ?" and after the girls make them up a second time, we went out and met up Aurélie, Mylène's flatmate. Then we finally arrived at the Bukana Pub.

I really appreciated this place. it's rather little but it has some personality. It's very friendly, and on Thrusday night, it's salsa party, so we can har another kind of music than in nightclubs for example (and if you are affraid about salsa dance, reassure yourself, there are two teachers who can help you). Enter is free, and if I good remember the cocktails are free for women before midnight (And I suggest you the "exotic cocktail"... it's the best of all !!!). the Bukana Pub is a friendly place because there are a lot of strangers students there too. Someties it's fun to have other relations with theses people we just cross in the university's corridors.

So, I think between the few places I know in Grenoble, this one is the most original and the friendliest. I hope this little (true) story has convince you, and who knows... maybe, in a near futur, I'll see some of you there !!! =)